Originally , one article was to be written on the Potters and Potteries of St Johns during the time period of 1854-1876. However , it will now be divided into four separate articles .
The Farrar's Pottery 1854-1876 - it will cover Moses , Ebenezer Lawrence , George Whitfield , George Henry and Lucius Farrar. It will also cover the involvement of Orrin L. Ballard and Joseph T. Hazen with the Farrars.
The potters working for them will also be included.
There will also be three other articles on the lives of John Gillespie ,Orrin Lawrence Ballard and Joseph Theophile Hazen.
Some of the lives of these people are intertwined so it would be necessary to read all four to have a full scope of this period of pottery in St Johns.
This article focuses on Orrin Lawrence Ballard's pottery connections and an overview of his life.
It covers his involvement in two Canadian potteries one in St Johns, Canada East ( now called St Jean sur le Richelieu ,Quebec ) and the other later in Cornwall, Canada West ( now called Cornwall, Ontario ).
It also covers his intention of starting another pottery in Montreal, Canada East ( Montreal , Quebec) in the time period between the St Johns and Cornwall potteries.
This article will also include the timeline of where Orrin L. Ballard was working in the United States before and after his time in Canada and until his death. It will also follow his own and his brothers involvement in the pottery at Burlington, Vermont.
O. L. Ballard's relationship with Ebenezer L. Farrar and George W. Farrar will also be explained.
This article will show they have a family connection and their involvement in business affairs.
Information on their family history has been sourced from "The Descendants of William Robblee and Keturah Baker of Lanesborough, MA "Compiled by Cindy Walcott and " Genealogy of the descendants of John White of Wenham and Lancaster, Massachusetts " compiled by Almira Larkin White.
Ancestry and Family Search websites have also been used.
The notary records for Canada were acquired from the BANQ and are noted as N#.
Canadian Land records are from Registre Foncier de Quebec en ligne and Ontario Land Registry Acess and are noted as LR#.
Thanks to the City of Burlington, Vermont for providing copies of the land records noted as BLR.
Also a thanks to a fellow researcher who shared their newspaper clippings with us.
Orrin Lawrence Ballard was born October 20, 1825 in Georgia , Vermont.
His parents were Orrin S. Ballard of Georgia, Vermont ( May 26, 1797- August 25, 1835 ) and Catherine Grout of Fairfax ,Vermont ( October 22, 1799 - July 26, 1871 ) ). They were married on January 2, 1821.
His siblings were named Cynthia (1821 - 1876 ) , Sarah (1823 - 1891 ), Alfred Keys (November 10, 1827 - August 14, 1874 ), Hiram Nelson ( July 4, 1829 - 1883 ) and Julius A. ( August 24 1835 - 1902 )
We begin this article early in the year of 1850.
Orrin Lawrence Ballard is 24 years old and will graduate a year later from the University of Vermont in Burlington.
However, on February 5, 1850 Orrin L. Ballard and his younger brothers Alfred K. and Hiram N. Ballard purchase their uncle Ebenezer L. Farrar's Stoneware Manufactory on Pearl street in Burlington , Vermont.
The purchase price is $8000. (BLR - Vol. 21, pg.233 )
On February 19, 1850 in the newspaper the Burlington Free Press , the Ballard brothers announce their new venture and the continuation of their mercantile business.
Their firm is called Ballard & Brothers.

1850 Census Burlington Vermont taken May 17, 1850
Although listed as "Lawrence", Orrin is living in the same home as his uncle Eben. L. Farrar and Aunt Idnis (born Grout).
The Ballard brother's mother Catherine and E. L. Farrar's wife Idnis are sisters.
Uncle Eben, Orrin and brother Alfred are listed under occupation as "stoneware" .
Under the heading " Value of Real Estate Owned " Ebenezer's amount says $ 8000. while Orrin and Alfred's amount is $ 3333.
( Hiram N. is listed elsewhere in Burlington and is listed as Merchant & Potter. )

On July 5, 1850 five months after the purchase of the Pottery property in Burlington, Vermont - O. L., A. K. and H. N. Ballard take out a mortgage with Ebenezer L. Farrar for the amount of $2000.
Two promissory notes for $1000. each are to paid two years later on February 1,1852 and March 1, 1852.
( BLR - Vol. 21, pg. 470 )
------------------------------------------ 1851 ---------------------------------------------------------
Orrin Lawrence Ballard graduates from the university of Vermont with an A. B. degree ( Bachelor of Arts )
He may have learned the potter's trade in his younger years but this education suggests although familiar with the techniques of the trade he was most likely involved more with the administration of the Pottery.
------------------------------------------ 1852 ---------------------------------------------------------
Two years later at the beginning of year on January 13, 1852 , the newspaper The Enterprise and Vermonter has this announcement of the Co-partnership dissolved.
It should be noted that the Ballard's and E. L. Farrar were also involved in other business ventures and also owned other properties together.

----------------------------------------- 1853 ---------------------------------------------------------------
September 20, 1853
This is part of a bill head from the pottery of the Ballard Brother & Co Burlington, Vt.
However the "Co" has been crossed out.
Ebenezer Lawrence Farrar would have been part of the "Co" in the earlier years.

This 1853 Map shows the Ballard's pottery. Over the years other property lots in the same block are bought and sold changing the perimeters of the pottery property. Pearl street is top of block, Cherry street opposite side on bottom, St Paul street on left side and Church street on right side of the block.
The actual pottery buildings are the sideways "L " beneath the word "Bros".

----------------------------------------- 1854 --------------------------------------------------------
The year of 1854 brings about changes for the Ballards and for Eben. L. Farrar.
E. L. Farrar leaves Burlington, and their is a change of ownership of the Ballards Pottery in Burlington, Vermont which brings about Orrin and Alfred's departure from Burlington.
On March 4, 1854 Ebenezer Lawrence Farrar of Burlington, Vermont buys the Pottery property owned by Henry Gillespie and Warren Soule in St Johns , Canada East ( now called St Jean sur le Richelieu, Quebec ). ( L # 37 )
A month later on April 21, 1854 the Ballard brothers sell their pottery in Burlington.
After four years of owning and operating their Pottery, Orrin , Alfred and Hiram Ballard sell their Stoneware factory on Pearl street in Burlington, Vermont .
Francis K. Nichols of Burlington, Vermont and Samuel Alford Jr. of Weathersfield, county of Windsor, Vermont purchase the Pottery property for $17,000.
It is described as being " a parcel of land with a dwelling house + pottery buildings thereon situated on the corner of Pearl and St Paul street in said Burlington".
They mortgage the property with the Ballard brothers for $16,000.
It will be paid with seven notes dated April 18, 1854 for $2000. each. One note will be due per year for seven years.
( BLR - Vol. 24, pg. 494 and 495 )
However, this partnership did not last for more than three months.
On July 1, 1854 Francis K. Nichols and his new partner Lucien C. Boynton of Uxbridge , county of Worcester, Massachusetts remortgage the property with O. L. , A. K. and H. N. Ballard for $14,000. ( BLR - Vol. 25, pg. 17 )
( They also had a store at 150 Church street and sold carpeting, paper hangings, looking glasses, dry goods, and groceries. )
July 1, 1854 - Burlington Free Press
This notice first appeared on this date and is still running a couple of years later in this April 18, 1856 newspaper.

In the Burlington Sentinel on August 10, 1854 it is announced Orrin Lawrence Ballard has obtained an Honourary A. M. degree.
( Master of Arts )
Later in the year in Canada on October 26, 1854, E. L. Farrar now said to be a Trader and Potter in St Johns agrees to buy
Lot # 127 with a dwelling house belonging to the estate of former potter Iassac Soule. ( N # 2703 )
He is also now in partnership with his cousin Moses Farrar who also owns and operates a pottery property next to E. L. Farrar. George W. Farrar will buy Moses Farrar's pottery in the coming year on August 17, 1855.
( N # 2913 )( see Article on The Farrar's Pottery )
--------------------------------------------------------------------1855 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
After the sale of their Pottery back in April 21, 1854 , Orrin L. and Alfred Ballard went to Gardiner, Maine.
It is not known the exact date they arrived there but O. L. Ballard was there in 1854 according to the " Triennial Catalogue of the University of Vermont for 1854 " it lists him as being a Manufacturer in Gardiner, Maine.
This Ballard & Brothers bill head in Gardiner, Maine is dated February 12, 1855.

1855 - The Maine register and Business Directory lists the firm of Ballard & Brothers as manufacturing stoneware in Gardiner , Maine .

It would appear the time spent in Gardiner, Maine was only for about a years time.
Then Orrin and Alfred Ballard went to Portland, Maine.
According to M. Lelyn Branin's article called " The Winslow Pottery in Portland , Maine " on page 98 it says A. K. and O. L. Ballard " went to Portland in 1855 , and set up a pottery on 100 Green street, near Portland street .
Both A. K. and O. L. Ballard boarded close by at 71 Green Street ."
He also mentions they were assessted by the city for a non resident real estate tax and A. K. Ballard was charged with a poll tax both for the year 1855.
O. L. Ballard remained in Portland, Maine but brother Alfred was back in Burlington by October 1855.
Alfred had an accident at the Steam Saw and Planing Mill in Burlington, Vermont another business owned by the Ballards and needed to have his leg amputated below the knee.
The firm of Ballard & Brothers is still together and operating a pottery in Portland, Maine early in the year of 1856.
In the following directory it becomes clear Orrin Lawrence Ballard is the "Ballard" & "Brothers" refers to Alfred K. and Hiram N
1856-57 - The Portland Directory ( Maine )

On March 17, 1856 the firm of Ballard & Brothers is dissolved.
Orrin L Ballard is listed as being in Portland, Maine at this time. Both Alfred and Hiram are in Burlington, Vermont.
For $5000. Orrin and Alfred are giving up their title rights in seven properties owned by all three brothers.
Lot # 3 , Lot # 14, and five other properties in Burlington will now belong only to Hiram N. Ballard. ( BLR - Vol. 25 pg. 455 - 456 )
On April 26, 1856 the notice of the dissolution of the firm is printed in the Burlington Free Press.

It is unclear when Orrin L. Ballard left Portland, Maine.
With the dissolution of the firm Ballard & Brothers it is unlikely they would have continued to make stoneware with this mark there.
We know he is in Burlington, Vermont by March 26, 1857 as he is mentioned in a Burlington Land record. ( Vol.- 27 pg. 185 )
We are also unable to say which business or what type of work O. L. Ballard was doing until his purchase of the pottery in St Johns a year later in November 1857.
However before this November 1857 date there are court cases in 1856 involving Orrin Lawrence Ballard , his brothers and E. L. Farrar as well as his brother and partner George Whitfield Farrar.
There is also a change of ownership of the Pottery in Burlington and the tragic death of Ebenezer Lawrence Farrar.
In the Burlington Weekly Sentinel on August 28, 1856 is a notice for a court case involving E. L. Farrar, G. W. Farrar and the Ballard brothers Orrin, Alfred and Hiram.
The Farrar's are not in the state as they are in St Johns producing pottery.
The Ballards must all be in Burlington as they are not mentioned as being out of the state.
The court date appearance is set for the first Tuesday in November 1856.

The Pottery on Pearl street once owned by the Ballards in Burlington , Vermont and for two years now since 1854 has been operated by Nichols & Boynton.
They are still in possesion of the Pottery as of September 19, 1856 and are exhibiting wares at the fair.
September 19, 1856 - Burlington Free Press
The newspaper is very faint so we have transcribed it below.
" Nichols & Boynton's array of stoneware comprising jugs of all sizes holding from a teaspoon to 10 gallons, flower pots, jars---" A potter is at the fair demonstrating how the pieces are turned.
However , on October 15, 1856 Samuel N. Brown took over their store business on 150 Church street and bought their stock of Crockery and Papers. Nichols & Boynton had hoped to sell out the stock of their store by April 9, 1856.
However they continued with cash sales only for sales of " carpeting, paper- hangings, looking- glasses , dry goods and groceries. ( April 9, 1856 Burlington Free Press )
Nichols is advertising alone in the November 14, 1856 ( BFP ) He sells Bookstore items and no mention of crockery.
( In 1850 S. N. Brown was listed as a Crockery Merchant in Burlington , Vermont. The Ballards were trustees for an out of State Samuel N. Brown and involved in a court case as defendants with him also to be tried in November 1856. )

On the first Tuesday in November 1856 , the court case William Seymour vs. G. W. Farrar , E. L Farrar and Orrin, Alfred, and Hiram Ballard is being tried.
There were also two other court cases involving E. L. Farrar and the Ballards at this time.
( Estate of Samuel Hickok vs. E. L. Farrar & als. and John Walker vs. E. L. Farrar containing prommisory notes from the Ballards - BLR - Vol. 27 pg. 426 - 427 )
E. L. and G. W. Farrar and the three Ballards , Orrin, Alfred and Hiram, used promissory notes owed to one another as collateral security in order to purchase other property or borrow money.
When notes were not able to be paid on time it created a domino effect - meaning all the people involved were responsible for payments and they were all brought down.
This meant court cases and more promissory notes and mortgages to be refinanced.
This financial arrangement has an effect in Burlington, Vermont and in St Johns, Canada East.
Ebenezer L. Farrar and his brother George Whitfield Farrar are in St Johns operating potteries on Lot # 44, and Lot # 51 and 52. These properties are in the same block and side by side to one another. (see Article the Farrar's Pottery )
Earlier in the year of 1856 E. L. Farrar borrows money from the private bankers and merchants E. & D. MacDonald.
G. W. Farrar's pottery property ( Lot # 51 and 52 ) is put up as collateral security with them for E. L. Farrar . ( N # 3262 ).
The property deed on which E. L. Farrar was living has been cancelled. ( N # 3252 )
As mentioned previously if the promissory notes were not paid on time and had been used as collateral security problems were created for the Farrar's and the Ballard's. The death of E. L. Farrar in June of 1857 complicated matters even more.
Tough times continue in 1857 for the Farrar's in St Johns which lead up to Orrin Lawrence Ballard's departure from Burlington and arrival in St Johns.
Early in the year on February 14, 1857 - The "potteries" in St Johns burn down.
( News and Frontier Advocate- February 18, 1857 )
Two months later on April 13 1857 - News and Frontier Advocate
A notice is placed announcing the pottery has been rebuilt and under the partnership of E. L. & G. W. FARRAR
A month later in Burlington, Vermont the Nichols & Boynton Pottery is sold to Hiram N. Ballard.
May 28, 1857
Francis K Nichols of Burlington county , Vermont and Lucien C. Boynton of Uxbridge , county of Worchester, Massachusetts are selling the Pottery property on Pearl street to Hiram N. Ballard of Burlington for $ 10,700.
A month earlier on April 24, 1857, their third payment of $2000. had been due. ( BLR - Vol. 27 pg. 267 )
June 26, 1857 is the date of the death of Ebenezer Lawrence Farrar and his brother Stephen Hammond Farrar.
They were on a business trip to Crockery Merchants John C. Watson on Lemoine street in Montreal and Thomas Bickell in Upper Town, Quebec ( City ). Both were Agents for the Farrar's wares.
E. L. & G. W. Farrar's Pottery was in St Johns , Canada East while Stephen H. Farrar's Pottery was in Fairfax, Vermont.
They were traveling on the steamboat " MONTREAL " on the St. Lawrence river. On the return journey from Quebec City at four o'clock in the afternoon the ships boilers caught fire ( exploded ? ) when passing just opposite of Cap Rouge.
Of the 300 passengers aboard the ship approximately 250 died in this accident. E. L. and S. H. Farrar were among those who lost their lives. Their bodies were identified by their agent Thomas Bickell in Quebec.
In the list of dead identified in the Morning Chronicle of July 4, 1857, E. L. Farrar is listed as " of Burlington ".
( Nineteenth - Century Pottery and Porcelain in Canada by Elizabeth Collard pg. 273-4 )
Ebenezer Lawrence Farrar died without having made a will. His estate probate document contains 52 pages.
By July 11, 1857 notices were posted in the Burlington Free Press for those having a claim to his estate to be in contact with the administrator of his estate.
The final accounts of those owing and those owed money from the estate is five pages long.
It gives a list of those involved, mortgages , and prommissory notes from and to E. L. Farrar etc.
It took 2 years to finalize and the final judgement was dated March 19, 1859.
Then H. N. Ballard questioned some of the decisions made to do with himself and his brothers .
They had paid certain notes to different creditors which had not been taken into account.
This made May 16, 1859 the final judgement date.
Needless to say this situation created difficulties for both George W. Farrar and for Orrin, Alfred , and Hiram Ballard as many of their financial arrangements had to be decide by court judgement.
Searching through these documents, we wanted to know if Orrin L. Ballard had a direct financial involvement with the pottery in St Johns before the death of E. L. Farrar on June 26, 1857.
He did not . However, there were many promissory notes signed by himself and his brothers and used as collateral security by Eben. L. and George W. Farrar.
The last mentions of the whereabouts of Orrin L. Ballard is in the court case announced back in August on 28, 1856 mentioning the Ballards are in the state of Vermont and a Burlington land record placing him as being in Burlington, Vermont on March 26, 1857.
It is unclear when O. L. Ballard left Portland Maine and then Burlingon , Vermont.
He may or may not have been working at the Burlington Pottery.
It has been owned since May 28, 1857 by his brother Hiram N. Ballard.
Hiram is still it's sole owner and on November 4, 1857, Hiram N. Ballard mortgages the property lot in Burlington, Vermont for $4000. with T. E. Wales. ( BLR- Vol. 27 pg. 268 )
Within the same month November 1857, we do know O. L. Ballard is in St Johns, Canada East.
Orrin Lawrence Ballard purchases the E. L & G. W. Farrar pottery.
November 16, 1857 -L #432
Sale to Orrin L. Ballard from G. W. Farrar (representing his brothers , Issac and Ephraim and E. L. Farrar's widow Idnis Farrar ) lots # 44, 51 , 52
It is important to note the firm of " E. L. & G. W. Farrar " is in liquidation after the death of E. L. Farrar.
He died without a will so his estate went into probate and the debts and assets will be divided as the court decides.
G. W. Farrar is the Power of Attorney for E. L. Farrar's widow, Idnis Farrar as of August 15, 1857.
The Pottery property in St Johns is on three lots - E. L. Farrar held the deed of sale for # 44 while G. W. Farrar has the deeds for # 51 and # 52. The court has given ownership of lot # 44 as follows- one third to Idnis Farrar and two thirds to George , Issac and Ephraim.
They are all being sold as one property with the actual Pottery being now on both lot # 51 and # 44. It also has a brick dwelling house and other building on the three lots.
It is presently in FULL OPERATION ( G. W. Farrar had continued production at the pottery after E. L. Farrar's death in June 1857. His last ad ran in the Morning Chronicle until December 4, 1857- see article The Farrar's Pottery )
O. L. Ballard formerly of Burlington of the United States and now in St Johns " already has full enjoyment and possession of " the pottery. It is most likely O. L. Ballard was in St Johns or travelling to there a bit before this sale date in November 1857.
He must also follow the stipulations laid out for lot # 52 in the deed of sale made by Moses Farrar in 1854. (refers to a right of way access to neighbours property )
G. W. Farrar is also selling " the stoneware kiln , the clay mill , wheels , tools , forms , " as well as all other implements neccessary in the business of potter. Also included is " horses , harnesses , clay burnt and unburnt , etc " All is annexed in a schedule.
The property lots and moveables are being sold for $ 5704. equal to 1426 pounds.
However, O. L. Ballard will retain the following amounts of money and pay Moses Farrar the amount of $2462.50 due to him from the sale of lots # 51 and # 52 to G. W. Farrar in 1855 and to E & D MacDonald the sum of $1240.96 - ( E. L. Farrar had an obligation with them dated April 14, 1856 )
Also to be paid by Orrin L. Ballard is Le Banque du Peuple in Montreal- $525. for two promissory notes made by G. W. Farrar .
Michon & Hazen Traders of St Johns will be paid $ 700. " on account and in part payment of the amount due them by the said vendor (G. W. Farrar) and payable on demand.
Lastly $ 396. 93 to pay to G. W. Farrar " for the purpose of meeting , paying and finally settling all claims and demands which may be made against" himself, his brothers and Idnis Farrar .
All this is taking place to finalize the estate of E. L. Farrar and the late firm of E. L. & G. W. Farrar .
For securing the amount of payment , O. L. Ballard mortgages the property lots and G. W. Farrar will retain his privilege right of " bailleur de fonds " ( he will hold the mortgage ) .
However, G. W. Farrar transfers this right to Joseph T. Hazen of the firm Michon & Hazen who will secure the payment .
Hazen also agrees to accept O. L. Ballard as his debtor along with G. W. Farrar for the sum of $ 700. still owed him.
N # 4032 is the accompanying notary document to the land record.
Below is the annexed schedule which is attached to the notary record.
It gives the list and prices of the items sold along with the property.

Two months after the sale , O. L. Ballard sells the Pottery property in St Johns back to G. W. Farrar.
January 11, 1858 -N # 4077 - Sale and Conveyance from Orrin L. Ballard to George W. Farrar
Ballard is selling back to G.W. Farrar the property he purchased last November 16, 1857.
Lot # 51 containing the brick dwelling house , lot # 52 with improvements and Lot # 44 with the Pottery and other buildings .
HOWEVER, the sale is for the PROPERTY ONLY -
" the machinery, tools , utensils , potter's wheels, burnt or unburnt clay, potteryware of all descriptions , fuelwood, vehicules, carriages, nor any of the working or other implements , nor any of the moveable or personal property generally used in or about the pottery situate on the real estate hereby sold all which are and shall remain the property of Orrin L. Ballard alone" .
The property is being sold for $4082.07.
No money exchanged hands but G. W. Farrar must pay Moses Farrar $2841.11 plus interest and E. & D. MacDonald $1240.96 plus interest from November 16, 1857.
Orrin L. Ballard will pay Michon & Hazen $700. upon their "first demand".
So now G. W Farrar owns the property and O. L. Ballard owns every thing related to operating a Pottery and producing product.
The purpose of this sale seems to be so O. L. Ballard will not be liable for any claims against the property.
Very soon after on January 25, 1858 - N # 4096 - Agreement between Orrin L. Ballard and E. & D. MacDonald
This document explains the situation concerning lots # 44, 51 and 52.
Although O. L. Ballard has sold this property back to G. W. Farrar, he is making an arrangement with private bankers and merchants E. & D. MacDonald to regain possession of it.
The MacDonalds have a claim on it because on April 14, 1856, E. L. Farrar borrowed money and G. W. Farrar put up his lots - # 51 and # 52 as collateral security. ( N # 3262 )
Although in the previous document N # 4077, G. W. Farrar is supposed to pay them , the MacDonald's say they will soon start legal proceedings and the land will be put up for public auction by the Sheriff.
O. L. Ballard does not have the funds outright to buy the property so E. & D. MacDonald will purchase the property at the Sheriff's public auction and sell it to O. L. Ballard within eight days of their acquiring it.
He will pay them $2500. for lot # 44 ( it has the Pottery on it) and for lots # 51 and # 52 the same amount as it is bought for at auction. He must pay $1000. at time of deed transfer and the balance plus interest will be paid within two years ( sometime in 1860 ) from the date of sale.
E. & D. MacDonald did proceed with legal proceedings as the following April 15, 1858 - Canada Gazette shows and the property will be sold on August 30, 1858 at public auction . It was ruled by the Superior Court on March 29, 1858.
It should be noted there is an error - the Canada Gazette says lot # 42 but it should read # 44 (all land records say # 44 ).

A few days before the property was to be sold at public auction George W. Farrar finds the funds and is able to pay the MacDonalds and keep his property.
August 27, 1858 - N # 4371
Transfer of Judgement vs. G. W. Farrar - E. & D. MacDonald to H. Bellows and H. E. Hubbell
Hiram Bellows a Banker in St Albans, Vermont and Homer E. Hubbell , a lawyer from Fairfax, Vermont are paying E. & D. MacDonald the sum of three hundred forty one pounds sixteen shillings one penny currency.
In exchange , E. & D. MacDonald are transferring their interest in the Judgement of the Superior court made on March 29, 1858 - E. & D. MacDonald vs. G. W. Farrar.
They had been owed money from both G. W. Farrrar and from an obligation taken out by E. L. Farrar in 1856.
Now G. W. Farrar will be indebted to H. Bellows and H. E. Hubbell instead.
The property was then not sold at Public auction as new creditors were found and the MacDonalds paid.
However, this makes the MacDonald's agreement to sell the property to Orrin L. Ballard nul and void.
Meanwhile in Burlington, Vermont Hiram N. Ballard is still operating the pottery.
September 24, 1858 - Burlington Free Press
H. N. Ballard has entered stoneware in the county fair which are among other items displayed in the Mechanics Hall.

According to the " Catalogue of the Sigma Phi ", Orrin L. Ballard was in St Johns in 1858.
As shown this is also supported by other documents.
Now in Canada, even though O. L. Ballard no longer owned the property in St Johns , he did produce stoneware marked with his name at this pottery until G. W. Farrar affairs were in order for the year of 1858 and most likely until E. L. Farrar's estate was finalized early in 1859.
It is important to note he owned all the implements at the Pottery ( tools , horses, etc ).
They would have worked together and many pieces were unmarked.
G. W. Farrar was still involved with the production of produce.
He was the owner of the St Johns Pottery property but it was stoneware marked O. L. Ballard entered in the Provincial Exhibition in Montreal.
September 30, 1858 - Montreal Herald and Daily Commercial Gazette
Mr Farrar of St Johns is the one mentioned in this newspaper as being the one entering pottery.

In the September 30,1858 - The Montreal Gazette
It is O. L. Ballard mentioned as having entered stoneware in the Provincial Exhibition for this year.

October 1, 1858 - The Montreal Gazette and in the Montreal Herald and Daily Gazette
Stoneware and pottery marked O. L. Ballard has won prizes.

The following are some examples of stoneware marked Orrin L. Ballard , St Johns CE ( Canada East )
Note all pieces we have seen Orrin L Ballard was used in St Johns CE and O L Ballard was used at Cornwall CW.

Meanwhile early in the new year in Burlington , Vermont Hiram N. Ballard's Pottery has had a fire.
January 7, 1859 - Burlington Free Press

On March 19, 1859 the Estate of Ebenezer Lawrence has been finalized.
The judgement had a few revisions on moneys owed to and paid by Hiram Ballard and his brothers and so the final date is
May 16, 1859.
This is about the time Orrin L Ballard and George W Farrar part company.
We could not find a specific document of an agreement between George W. Farrar and Orrin L. Ballard for the implements of the pottery in St Johns.
However this issue must have been resolved.
On May 4, 1859 George W. Farrar places an ad for his stoneware. It is the first new one since October 1857.
Before O. L. Ballard's arrival in St Johns a year and a half earlier G. W. Farrar had placed an ad on October 27, 1857 in the Morning Chronicle , Quebec city. It had run until December 4, 1857 a month after O. L. Ballard purchased the pottery.
It was under the title St John's Stoneware.
Now it is mentioned as the St John's Pottery. ( see article The Farrar's Pottery )
Thomas Bickell is still the agent in Quebec city. ( May 7 1859- Morning Chronicle-Quebec )

A few days after this ad Orrin L. Ballard signs a lease in Montreal, Canada East ( Quebec ).
This document in Montreal, Canada East shows O. L. Ballard's intention of starting a pottery in Montreal.
May 11, 1859 - N # 5290
Lease from Dame Mary Benson widow of Thomas Goodwin to Orrin L. Ballard of the city and district of Montreal.
His occupation is listed a Potter.
This lease was to be for ten years until 1869. It starts on June 1, 1859.
Ballard is leasing a building ( known as Gilberts Slaughter House ) with a yard and a small piece of land in St Mary's Parish of Montreal."
The whole is enclosed in the following limits , Bounded in front by the Main road, in the rear by the Saint Lawrence river, on one side by the property of Forsythe , and on other side by property owned by William Carr. "
The rent will be 240 currency per year to be paid semi-annually. It is agreed upon that out of the first payment due in December 1859, 10 pound currency ( $ 40. ) is to be used to make repairs to the property which he must show to the owner.
It is also agreed upon that the lessee Ballard will have the right to remove his KILNS ( there are none on it at present ) but all other improvements shall remain and belong to the leesor at the expiration of the lease.
Although this lease was signed, there are no other documents, Montreal directory listings, or stoneware marked pieces
Orrin L. Ballard, Montreal to show he followed through with his intentions.
However, the next lease we could find for this property is for two years later in 1861.
Narcisse Pigeon ( Pigeon & Co. ) is a Brewer and Distiller in Montreal.
On March 20, 1861 he signs a lease for this same property to start on May 1, 1861. It will be for three years until 1864.
He will be allowed to use the " Patent scales " (not mentioned in O. L. Ballard's lease ) on the property and will be allowed to install his own stills.
On July 18, 1859 - two months after his signing the lease in Montreal - Orrin. L and Alfred K. Ballard in Burlington , Vermont sign three promissory notes to their brother Hiram N. Ballard towards the purchase of the Pottery on Pearl street in Burlington, Vermont.
The notes are payable starting a year later. The first note on July 18, 1860 is for $1000. Another $1000. is due on July 18, 1862 and $945. is due forty-two months from original date. ( BLR - Vol. 29 , pg. 247 -248 )
The recorded purchase of this Burlington Pottery is seven months later in February 1860. ( BLR - Vol. 29, pg. 246 - 247 - 248 )
However, O. L. & A. K. Ballard are operating the Pottery before the recorded purchase and have entered stoneware and fancy glazed ware in the county fair.
September 23, 1859- Burlington Free Press

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1860 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Orrin L. and Alfred K. Ballard officialy purchase the Burlington pottery in February 13 and 23, 1860 land records.
The price will be a total of $6000.
Besides the promissory notes already given to Hiram N. Ballard , O. L. & A. K. Ballard must pay off two mortgages on the property . One is due to Daniel Kern and the other Wm Throp. ( BLR - Vol. 29, pg. 246, 247 and 248 )
In the 1860 US Census in Burlington, Vermont - dated July 5
H. N. Ballard is listed as a merchant ( real estate value $22,000 )
Alfred K. has a real estate value of $10,000 and both he and Orrin L. are listed as Potters.
Once again O. L. & A. K. Ballard have entered their wares in the fall fair.
September 21, 1860 - Burlington Free Press

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1861 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
On November 12, 1861
Orrin Lawrence Ballard marries Maria Jane Seymour Randall in Burlington, Vermont. It is her second marriage.
His occupation is listed as Manufacturer and his residence is Burlington, Vermont. ( Marriage certificate )
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1862 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Burlington Pottery is in it's third year of operation under the ownership of O. L. & A. K. Ballard.
They are once again exhibiting their stoneware and pottery at the county fair.
September 19, 1862 - Burlington Free Press

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1863 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Orrin L. Ballard takes a trip to Montreal, Canada East early in the year.
He is listed as having arrived and staying at a Montreal hotel. He is most likely there for business arrangements.
March 27, 1863 - Montreal Herald and Daily Commercial Gazette

On June 23, 1863 , thirty- seven year old Orrin Lawrence Ballard is registered in the Cival War Draft for Vermont.
His occupation is listed as " Pottery ". He was over 35 and was married so was not drafted.
O. L. & A. K. Ballard once again exhibit their wares at the Fair.
September 26, 1863 - Burlington Daily Times

------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1864 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
And again in the fall of 1864, O. L. & A. K. Ballard exhibit their wares at the fair.
September 30, 1864 - Burlington Free Press

About five weeks after the fair, O. L. Ballard makes arrangements to start a water powered Pottery in Canada West.
November 4, 1864 - LR # 2412
Orrin Lawrence Ballard - Pottery Dealer, of the town of Burlington , Vermont is leasing from William Mattice , Esquire of the town of Cornwall ( Canada West ) a certain portion of a lot of land and the water power passing through the Cornwall canal.
" the said surplus water or water power hereby leased to connected with and used upon a certain portion of a lot of land hereby also leased and known as lot number seven ( # 7 ) in the first concession of the Township of Cornwall, to wit all that portion of the Hydraulic Lot marked number four ( # 4 )according to a lithographed plan of part of said lot number seven ( #7 ) hereto annexed , marked A". ( see below )
Rent of $15. will be paid twice a year and starts on January 1, 1865.
The lease was to end on May 13, 1878 and any building and machinery erected upon this property would belong to lessee
( Ballard) . The lessor ( W. Mattice and/or the Commissioner of Public Works ) would need to pay for the building and machinery at the termination of the lease.
The price would be determined by an arbitrator.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1865 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
January 1, 1865 is the first day of Orrin L. Ballard's lease on the property in Cornwall, Canada West.
He is listed under " Potters " in the 1865 Mitchell's Canada Directory

In the book " A six week tour in Western Canada " by a Lady ( 1865 ) - on pg. 37 is a mention of O. L. Ballard's Cornwall Pottery.

The following are some examples of pieces from this Cornwall Pottery.
Orrin L. Ballard used two different marks on his stamped products- both ended in C. W. ( Canada West ) which dates these pieces before Confederation on July 1, 1867.
Stoneware was marked
Cornwall Pottery O L Ballard
Cornwall C W and Cornwall C W
Note all pieces we have seen Orrin L Ballard was used in St Johns CE and O L Ballard was used at Cornwall CW.

O L Ballard
Cornwall C W
pics below

Bird design on left is an
O L Ballard Cornwall CW
Although Orrin L. Ballard now has a Pottery in Cornwall , Canada West - he is still part of the firm of O. L. & A. K. Ballard in Burlington, Vermont.
He is also listed as living in Burlington. There he boards with his sister - in - law Harriet Seymour.
Since Orrin must have traveled frequently between his potteries , he and his wife Maria boarded with her sister.
Maria and Harriet had lived together before according to the 1860's Census.
1865 Burlington City Directory

O. L & A. K. Ballard exhibit at the Chittenden County Fair.
September 29, 1865- Burlington Free Press

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1866 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A year later at the same county fair O. L. & A. K. Ballard are once again exhibiting " crockery and earthenware ".
They are given a prize for their stoneware.
September 26, 1866 - Burlington Free Press

The Cornwall Pottery is still producing products as well. Orrin L. Ballard divides his time between both potteries.
For 1866 the Burlington City Directory lists O. L. Ballard as still boarding with his sister in law Harriet Seymour.
It is also the same listing for 1867.
As mentioned previously , Orrin seemed to have been a manager, salesman etc and and although familliar of potting techniques not an actual potter himself.
This year brings about many changes for Orrin Lawrence Ballard.
The first change starts on the first day of the year.
As of the January 1, 1867 the firm of O. L. & A. K. Ballard - Manufacturers of Stoneware in Burlington , Vermont becomes the sole ownership of Alfred K. Ballard.
Orrin L. Ballard sells his share of the undivided property know as the " Pottery lot" to his brother, Alfred K. for $4500.
It is sold " with the buildings thereon and fixtures and machinery there to pertaining situate on the south side of Pearl street."
Alfred then mortgages the property with O. L. Ballard for $6500.
Four promissory notes dated May 1, 1867 and August 1, 1867 for $2000. each, on January 1, 1868 for $1000. and the last note on June 1, 1868 for $1500. ( BLR -Vol. 2 p. 496 and 497 )
In the newspaper is a notice of their dissolved partnership
February 14, 1867- Burlington Free Press

A few months later this newspaper notice shows O. L. Ballard has involvement in other businesses.
The Ballard's had a Saw and Planing Mill in Burlington, Vermont and sold lumber.
This ad also mentions dry wood for sale on Short street. He was also selling Fire brick according to this ad.
May 24, 1867 - Burlington Free Press

In June of 1867 - Birth of daughter Fanny to Orrin and Maria Ballard.
In this following Agreement Orrin Lawrence Ballard makes arrangements to sell his Pottery in Cornwall, Canada West
( now after Confederation on July 1, 1867 now called Cornwall, Ontario )
August 15, 1867- ( from LRO # 1887 )
Article of Agreement between O. L. Ballard and Jefferson Beardsley and Issac Hatfield Van Arsdale.
O. L. Ballard shall sell his interest in the lease of the water power ( and lot # 4 ) , Pottery building and machinery on lot # 4 in Cornwall on the following terms - upon the signing of the said agreement J. Beardsley and I. H. Van Arsdale would pay O. L. Ballard $873.80 United States currency.
They were also to have given two promissory notes one for $500. and one for $330. (US currency )
on the 16th and 25th of July 1867 and payable three months after these dates. ( Due on October 16 and 25, 1867).
The final condition was for J. Beardsley and I. H. Van Arsdale " to deliver to the said Orrin Lawrence Ballard at the pottery building erected on the said Lot number four Crockery ware of good merchantable quality to the value of sixteen thousand one hundred and sixty four dollars ($16,164.00 ) at the prices mentioned in a printed paper annexed to the said agreement on or before the first day of March 1869. " ( This annexed paper of prices was not included with the land record)
It was further agreed O. L. Ballard would pay fifty silver dollars for four hundred dollars worth of Crockery ware to be paid monthly.
Until this March 1, 1869 deadline the pottery would remain under the name of O. L. BALLARD.
A week later after signing this agreement
Orrin L. Ballard and his wife Maria's infant daughter dies in Burlington on August 22, 1867.
Under Death notices - Weekly Burlington Free Press - August 30, 1867

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1868 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Six months after O. L Ballard makes an Agreement with Jefferson Beardsley and Issac H. Van Arsdale for the terms of sale of his Cornwall Pottery is this following document.
February 3, 1868 - ( from LRO # 1887 )
Jefferson Beardsley is selling his rights and interest in the agreement of the sale to David Andrew Flack.
It is witnessed for the price of one thousand six hundred and forty nine dollars United States currency.
Until the conditions were met and finalized in 1869 the pottery produced for O. L. Ballard would have been unmarked under the management of J. Beardsley and I. H. Van Arsdale.
There are no marked " Beardsley & Van Arsdale "stoneware .
There are no known marked pieces of O. L. Ballard Cornwall, ONT.
Even when David Andrew Flack bought out J. Beardsley's share , the conditions of sale were still not all met.
This ad placed two months later on April 3, 1868 ( after Flack bought out Beardsley ) is by an Agent in Goderich Ontario.
It is for O. L. Ballard produce made at the Cornwall Property.
Huron Signal Newspaper ( May 14 - 1868 )

Orrin L. Ballard primary living residence was in Burlington, Vermont since 1859 - 60.
Even though he owned and operated the Cornwall Pottery in Canada West (lease beginning on January 1, 1865 ), he also owned the Pottery in Burlington, Vermont with his and brother Alfred at the same time until Orrin sold his half to Alfred
on January 1,1867 .
He would have traveled back and forth from Cornwall and Burlington the trip being about 150 miles.
The Burlington Directory lists him as boarding with his sister - in - law Harriet Seymour again in 1867.
A land record dated June 27, 1867 still lists him as living in Burlington. ( BLR Vol. 3 pg. 167 )
By August of 1867, his involvement in the Cornwall Pottery was diminished as Jefferson Beardsley ( who was replaced in February 1868 by David Flack ) and Issac H. Van Arsdale were operating the pottery for him until the conditions were met.
Sometime in 1867 he started working for the Crossman Clay Manufacturing Company.
Orrin L. Ballard was the Superintendent and Treasurer for this company from 1867 until 1869.
They manufactured " brick, fire brick, drain tile" and were " miners and vendors of clay, sand and kaolin ".
(Catalogue of the Sigma PHI., 1891 - and - Acts of the Legislature of the State of New Jersey , 1870 )
By July 23,1868
Orrin L. Ballard left Burlington and moved to Woodbridge , New Jersey. ( Burlington Free Press )

The company referred to in the newspaper clipping is the Crossman Clay Manufacturing Company.
Until 1870, Metuchen was part was part of the Woodbridge township in New Jersey and it is where O. L. Ballard is listed as being in the following Cornwall Land Record a year later.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1869 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The sale of the Cornwall Pottery is finalized.
The final condition of providing O. L. Ballard with $ 16,164.00 of pottery products was to have been completed by March 1, 1869.
September 20, 1869 - LR # 1887
Orrin L. Ballard - Manufacturer in Metuchen , New Jersey of the United States of America is selling to David Flack and Issac H. Van Arsdale ( Flack & Vanarsdale ) Manufacturers of Pottery ware in Cornwall, County of Stormont , Ontario.
The conditions have been met and now O. L. Ballard transfers the lease, and his rights and interest in the Pottery.
He also promises as of August 15 ( a month ago ), O. L. Ballard will not " carry on either by himself , agents , partners, workman ,servants or employees or any other person or persons whatsoever the business of the manufacturer of Pottery ware in the Provinces of Ontario or Quebec " for forty years.
He is subject to a penalty of five thousand dollars if he does not comply.
It is in the year 1869 in which stoneware marked " Flack & Van Arsdale" Cornwall, Ont starts.
This ends Orrin L. Ballard's Pottery and Stoneware involvement in Canada.
------------------------------------------------------------------- 1870 to 1879 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1870 US Census - June 20
O. L. Ballard has left New Jersey and is now living in Detroit City , County of Wayne, Michigan with his wife Maria.
He is registered as " Lawrence " (same as 1850 Census ).
His occupation is listed as " Stoneware"
1871 Detroit City Directory
O. L. Ballard has a partner and their firm is called " Ballard & Starratt ".

A year later is this ad and listing.
1872 Detroit City Directory

For the year 1873 In the Michigan State Gazetteer and Business Directory
O. L. Ballard is listed under Dearborn ,Michigan making Bricks and Tiles as well as in Detroit, Michigan.
According to the description of Dearbon the Brick and Tile factory has been there for a couple of years.

Below is the listing from Detroit in the
Michigan State Gazetteer and Business Directory

O. L. Ballard owns property to make bricks and tiles in Dearborn and although he is listed as Ballard & Starratt in the Michigan State directory in Detroit he is listed under his own name as selling sewer pipes and James Starratt is listed as a travelling agent.
1873 Detroit Directory

The following year in 1874 O. L. Ballard is working under his own name and James Starrat is now listed with a new occupation.
1874 Detroit Directory

Also in 1874 , O. L. Ballard has had a fire at his Brickyard in Dearborn , Michigan.
He starts production for the season on May 27, 1874 and a day later a fire breaks out.
1874 May 29 - Detroit Free Press

On August 14, 1874, O.L. Ballard's brother Alfred Keys Ballard dies in Burlington, Vermont.
The fire in 1874 did not close down the brick yard in Dearborn.
A year later in 1875 Orrin L. Ballard is also listed as still being in Detroit as well.
An ad in the State directory lists O. L. Ballard and he is producing Stoneware as well as Sewer pipes and Bricks.
1875 Michigan State Gazetteer and Business Directory

In the 1875 Detroit directory, he is listed under stoneware and Sewer pipes.
J. Starrat is also listed under stoneware but with a new partner.

March 6, 1876 - O L Ballard's wife passes away in Detroit , Michigan.
According to a Probate document she owned a corner (Pearl St and Union St ) lot property with a brick and wooden house - worth $5000. in Burlington . O L Ballard was appointed Administrator by the court.
Three years later , O. L. Ballard is still listed as a Sewer pipe manufacturer in 1879.
1879 Detroit Directory

Orrin Lawrence Ballard life in Detroit city from 1870 until 1880 is summed up in the book -
Industries of Michigan - City of Detroit by Edwards Richards in 1880.
It is interesting to note up to this point he has been in the same building.

----------------------------------------------------------------- 1880 - 1889 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1880 Census Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan
A 55 year old O. L. Ballard is listed as living with his 77 year old aunt Idnis Farrar.
(He had lived with Eben. L. and Idnis in their home in the 1850 census of Burlington, Vt )
His occupation is listed as " Pottery ".

By 1882 , O. L. Ballard is working for the firm of Robinson & Klugh.
1882 Detroit Directory

It would seem O. L. Ballard two years later is now working for himself.
January 17, 1884 - Weekly Expositer, Brockway Centre , Michigan
An article thanks O. L. Ballard's donation to a railway and lists his business at the same time.

In the spring of 1884 , Orrin L. Ballard is purchasing land.
May 31, 1884 - Detroit Free Press
Patrick Tregent and W. Tait are both real estate agents ( who work in the Burns Block - 22 Griswold the same place as O. L. Ballard in - two years later in 1886 )

In 1886 Orrin L. Ballard is listed under Manufacturing Agents.
It would seem he was in the Wholesale Crockery, Glass and Stoneware business.
1886 Detroit Directory

---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1890 -1899 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
O. L. Ballard continued his Wholesale Crockery, Glass and Stoneware business in Detroit, Michigan until 1893
(according to his obituary in the University Cynic-1907 and 1891 Catalogue of the Sigma Phi ).
This information is confirmed with the following document.
In 1893, Orrin L. Ballard is set to open a brick manufactury in Marlette , Michigan. ( Clay Record, Vol. 2 -1893)

Production at Marlette , Michigan ends at the end of the season of 1897.
(Geological Survey of Michigan, Vol. Vll, Part 3)

This directory lists both the ending brick factory in Marlette and another or a new brick factory in Silverwood, Michigan.
1897 - Michigan State Gazetteer and Business Directory

------------------------------------------------------------------ 1900 - 1904 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1900 Census - Marine City, Michigan -June 26
Orrin is 74 years old and lives as a boarder with Anthony and Emma Thompson.
He is listed as a Brick Manufacturer.
Four years later , the last of his siblings, his productive life comes to an end.
On April 19, 1904 Orrin Lawrence Ballard , Brickmaker passes away at the age of 78 in Clifford, Michigan.