CONTINUED FROM LAST POST ... Mould Line Over Dome CD 143
This is a group of three moulds that replaced the Thin Skirt Can Pac's when they became the no embossing mould for Hamilton around 1887 .Only one mould has the backwards "C", the other two moulds were made at the same time.
These Backwards "C" group would have continued till after 1891 when Diamond Glass Co. of Montreal bought out Hamilton and thus Burlington Glass . At some point quite early after that Hamilton and Montreal were designated as bottle factories and Burlington was for commercial wares and pressed glass . So my guess is that these moulds were turned into no embossing moulds in about 1892.
They are quite easy to identify as the Backward C mould , the Pointy Dome mould and the Other Mould ( if it has no backward C or pointy dome it is the Other Mould. )
Each came in various shades of green in it's first engraving . In a later re-engraving of the mould they came in blue aqua , blue , royal purple , almost clear , gray etc.
On the re-engraving of the mould , because it was done over top of the old engraving the letters are jagged . This is most noted with the letter C .
BACKWARDS "C" .. only the "C" is needed to identify this one. As a later Un-Embossed mould it has a group of 1/8th inch blots that make a blemish on the dome about half way down about the size of a nickel .
Below pictures are Top Left Original engraving in green phase......Top Right blue phase re-engraved
Second row Left.. Original engraving in green phase.....Right phase re-engraved note rough or jagged letter " C " at end of Pacific, also " F " is taller than original .

The very top of the dome arcs to a point.
When re-engraved it is the one that comes with periods Canadian.Paciic.Ry.Co
Later as a Un-embossed mould it can still be identified by the pointy dome.
Below pictures are on Left Original Embossing..........on Right Re-engraved in Gray-clear.
Bottom picture...Note periods, also " C " can be seen at beginning of Canadian, it's rough.

Again .. if it has no backward C or pointy dome it is the Other Mould. As a re-engraved mould the letters are again roughly engraved .
Later as a Un-Embossed mould it can be compared to the other two and if no blots or pointy dome it can be classed as this one.
Below pictures are on Left.. Original embossing.......On Right and Below are Re-engraved Note shape of first " C " in Pacific.

Each of the above Canadian Pacific moulds are later cleaned off and becomes a no embossing mould. These are often damaged as they come in a fragile glass that flakes easily . They are mostly shades of light green , light aqua's , I have one in a light gray green aqua .
Below pictures are Left Backwards " C " with blots circled, in gray green aqua...Right side is Pointy Dome.
Bottom picture is Other Mould .

CANADIAN PACIFIC RY CO , Burlington made.
NOTE ..These are Round Base or as some call them Mould line over base.
These would have begun about 1892 - 1893
There are 3 moulds in this group . Each is re-engraved at least once and are named A ,B or C for each mould. The embossing splits the Mould line between Canadian and Pacific.
The most important thing to understand on these moulds is that they were ( during rework ) milled on the mould line face making the letters "N" of Canadian and the "P" of Pacific closer to the mould line.
Later in 1897 when the moulds are sent to Toronto Glass Co. they they continue to be made as Canadian Pacific possibly till 1899.
The rich green coulors are Toronto made , I also believe that some of the strongest blue shades are from there also. ( This applies only to the last rework of each mould. ) While Toronto and Burlington used the same glass for the most part , Toronto seems to have darker coulors of each shade. Others can add to this thought by comparing only the last rework of each mould.
NOTE ..They are later cut off making them shorter , and used as no embossing moulds.
The # 1 & 2 moulds are somewhat alike but can be easily separated with a little work.
The # 3 mould is easy , it has an upside down RY
CANADIAN PACIFIC RY CO , Burlington made.
MOULD #1A ... The "D" in Canadian has a very rectangular look to it , with a very flat base on the "D". The "F" in Pacific has both bars straight. From the mould line to the "C" in Canadian is 1 & 7/8 ths inches. From the mould line to the "O" in CO is 2 & 1/4 inches. There are periods between PACIFIC.RY.CO.

MOULD #1B ...
The "D" in Canadian is no longer as rectangular. There are no longer periods between PACIFIC RY CO
The "F" in Pacific has the top bar straight but the lower bar slants down. From the mould line to the "C" in Canadian is a little less than 1 & 13/16 ths inches .
From the mould line to the "O" in CO is 2 & 1/4 inches

MOULD #1 .. NO EMBOSSING. Made at Toronto .
The 1B was cut off to be a no embossing insulator.
It is difficult to tell which of the cut off moulds belongs with the correct original Canadian Pacific mould , but I feel I find small bumps to place these correctly.

MOULD #2A ...
The "D" in Canadian is not rectangular . From the mould line to the "C" in Canadian is a little more than 1 & 15/16 ths inches . From the mould line to the "O" in CO is 2 & 1/4 inches. There are periods between PACIFIC.RY.CO.

MOULD #2B ...
The "D" in Canadian is not rectangular .
From the mould line to the "C" in Canadian is 1 & 15/16 ths inches .
From the mould line to the "O" in CO is 2 & 5/16ths inches.
There are periods between PACIFIC.RY.CO. and there are slight changes to the form of the letters.
Notice that the "P" in Pacific slants with the top closer to the mould line .

MOULD #2C ...
The "D" in Canadian is not rectangular .
The bars in the "F" in Pacific slant upwards in the top bar and downwards in the lower bar.
From the mould line to the "C" in Canadian is 1&7/8 ths inches .
From the mould line to the "O" in CO is 2&1/4 inches.
There are no periods between PACIFIC RY CO and there are slight changes to the form of the letters.
Notice that the "P" in Pacific slants with the top closer to the mould line .

MOULD #2 .. NO EMBOSSING. Made at Toronto .
It is difficult to tell which of the cut off moulds belongs with the correct original Canadian Pacific mould , but I feel I find small bumps to place these correctly.
I placed this one with the ROUND BASE as mould #2 No Embossing.
These are hard to find , a friend found this one for me , I was thankful to get it.

MOULD #3A ...
This mould is easy to identify as it has the upside down RY .

MOULD #3B ...
On the re-engraved rework of this mould the RY is corrected but traces of the original upside down RY remain.
The R looks a bit like a B because the old top of the R remains .

MOULD #3 .. NO EMBOSSING. Made at Toronto .
It is difficult to tell which of the cut off moulds belongs with the correct original Canadian Pacific mould , but I feel I find small bumps to place these correctly.
I place this one as mould #3 .

NO EMBOSSING ROUND BASE .. Burlington & Toronto Made.
These are three separate moulds and have no connection to the Canadian Pacific above.
It is difficult to tell when these moulds were made at Burlington Glass. They may have been made in 1895-1896 as they seem to be more a Toronto product , being transferred to Toronto in 1897. The glass coulors stay the same as Burlington Glass as both were under Diamond Glass Co management .
As Hamilton was still ( I believe) , making the cleaned off No Embossing Backwards "C" insulators for say 1894 - 1895 ) it would be then that there was a need for new No Embossing moulds.
MOULD #1... This mould has a more slender dome. At first it becomes off set and is corrected giving it an even more slender dome. The correction is done by milling the face of the mould line .

MOULD #2 ...
This one has a feature that sets it apart from #1 . On the bottom of the skirt there is a small line at the mould line about 3/8ths of an inch up from the base. ( You have to check both mould sides )
With the fresh mould , the line is about 1/8th of an inch long .
It later with the milling of the mould half gets shorter ( 1/16th ) .
Still later it is almost gone.
It's dome is a little heavier than mould #1 .

MOULD #3 ...
The dome on this mould is heavier than the two previous moulds. As the mould gets older there is a heavy mould line.

The Canadian Pacific Railway would only have needed one source at any given time for insulators . This helps us to date them and the no embossing ones that came with or from them.
In order they are.
Raised band ... 1881 - 1884 .. Excelsior Glass Co. Montreal
Thin Print ... 1884 - 1885 .. North American Glass Co. Montreal
Thin Skirt ... 1885 - 1887 .. Hamilton Glass Co. Hamilton
Backwards "C" ... 1888 - (1892 - 1893) Hamilton Glass Co. Hamilton . From 1891 Owned by the Diamond Glass Co.
Round Base ... (1892 - 1893 ) to 1897 , Burlington Glass Plant . Owned by the Diamond Glass Co.
Round Base ...Toronto Glass Co. 1897 - 1903 Transferred from Burlington Glass (above)
1903 is when the Hamilton Plant owned by the Diamond Flint Glass Co. began to make the three piece mould Can Pac insulators (still hand pressed till at least 1926 )
NOTE ... while the Toronto works was not officially bought by the Diamond Glass Co. Ltd of Montreal till 1899 it was controlled by them from the beginning .
While the Round Base time line may seem long for a mould 1893 - 1903 we must take into consideration that the CPR used a lot of porcelain in the later time period. So we could guess that the Toronto Glass Co may only have used the Can Pac moulds for 1898 - 1899 , or made them till 1903 in limited numbers.